Quote of the Moment:

“There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.”

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The First Kachana Landscape Management Workshop 2002

Our guest speaker: Kester A. Baines, B.H.Sc., N.D., Dip.Hom.

Kester is a Fellow of the Australian Natural Therapists Association. He is member of the Homoeopathic Education & Research Association, the Orthomolecular Medical Association of Australia and the Natural Health Society of Australia. He and his wife Suzanne manage the Raphael Centre of Natural Healing in Geelong, Victoria.

Kester offers us the benefit of 22 years of experience in his field. He has particular interest in clinical nutrition, functional medicine, and herbal and homoeopathic therapies, and is currently working on a plan to make natural therapies more accessible in outback Australia. Other interests include agroforestry, organic farming and gardening, natural history, and restoring habitat to a small property in the Otway foothills.

Kester visited the Kimberley in October 1999 when he addressed the Rotary Club of Kununurra.
