Quote of the Moment:

“He who would do some great things in this short life must apply himself to work with such a concentration of force as, to idle spectators who live only to amuse themselves, looks like insanity.”

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Kachana Sponsors


As custodians of environmental heritage Kachana Pastoral Company preserves and re-creates wildlife habitat; we enhance and maintain the environmental integrity of the areas we manage. We request and encourage private, public and corporate sponsorship of the work we do.

There are a number of ways to support the progress of work commenced on Kachana in 1992:

- “Put your name on the map”
For Aus $ 100’000 and an additional Aus $ 15’000 over a five year period you get to choose, name and adopt a new wildlife habitat area. We conduct according rehabilitation work and put in place the necessary management to ensure sustainability.

- Sponsor a “Kan-do Project”
Aus $ 80’000 onwards depending on where on the planet you wish to do this... This exciting new concept is now being developed. A pilot phase will see one such project being run in each state of Australia… follow this up in future Kachana News

- Add an "Island of Biodiversity"
Add an Island ofBiodiversity in an area ravaged by wildfire and threatened by other fall-out of historically induced land-degradation with Aus $10’000. Your “Island” will be embraced within the management of our broader landscape goal.

- Join the team of "Kachana Landscape Activists"
Adopt and name a hectare for revitalisation by paying for the purchase and transport of 100 steel pickets, one role of fencing wire, 200 plastic insulators, 40 porcelain insulators, energiser, battery, solar panel and one week of labour (or even put in the time yourself!). We supply the site-survey, site-prep and commit to the ongoing management requirements.

- Of course there are other ways for you to support the work we do on Kachana.

For information regarding the tax-deductibility of your donations contact us. Some of our sponsors wish to remain anonymous. We respect that choice.
Kachana Pastoral Company is a small private company with 20 years of field experience in upper- catchment management. We focus on tangible results.

- As a business we aim to produce healthy productive uncontaminated soil with irrigation potential.

- As responsible citizens we share and promote the message about the ‘win win win opportunities’ associated with restorative land-care. We also offer opportunities for student training and research projects.

- As custodians of environmental heritage we preserve and re-create wildlife habitat, and we enhance and maintain the environmental integrity of the areas we manage. We request and encourage private, public and corporate sponsorship of the work we do.