Environmental Management
Engineers have yet to design an implement that can do at least all of the following without toxic emissions:
- Cycle carbon in the rangelands
- Provide mulch and ground cover
- Fertilise
- Create edge-effect at both micro and macro environment levels
- Stabilize creek banks
- Appreciate in value while working 24 hrs a day
- Bring light to the growth points of perennial grasses
- Distribute seeds in ideal growing environments
- Induce the aeration of soils
- Prune plants
- Produce milk
- Supply meat, hide and other products
Our cattle do all of that and more... And best of all, they run on solar energy!
The challenge is to influence the movement of large herbivores in such a way, that the effect mimics what nature achieved in first place, before humans interfered. (Pruning, mulching,fertilising, cycling or sequestrating of carbon)