Quote of the Moment:

“Y2K took Lao-Tzu’s saying to obsolescence: ‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.’
Teach men ‘to read and to right’ their natural environments and we should be able to feed nations….”


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to “read” and to “right” an environment!

New globally relevant skills...
A new way of looking at our environments...
We ask what actually takes place before we look for how things happen...

New questions...
New answers...
New options...

Living organisms: Biological forces that will react to our influences
From an ecosystem function point of view:
  • What are they doing...
  • What should they be doing...
  • What could they be doing...
From an ecosystem function point of view:
  • How are they doing what they are doing now?
  • How should they be doing what they were designed to do?
  • How could they be doing what we would like them to do?
From an ecosystem function point of view:
  • Are we influencing them now?
  • Should we be influencing them now?
  • What about the ones we cannot see?

If we do not know, how would we best find out?

How do we best put theory into practice?

Who all should be involved?

How do we make our decisions?

Soil: Our key resource...

Is our management conducive to soil-building?

What is the role of living organisms in the making of soil?

What is the role of living organisms in the maintaining of soil health?

Is healthy soil perhaps also a living organism?