Quote of the Moment:

“If you can see more than the person next to you, you are probably standing on somebody's shoulders.”
Picked up along the way

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Kachana Landscape Management Workshop 2004

“Biomass - an ecological stabiliser in productive landscapes”

07th, 08th and 09th September

At our Landscape Management Workshops we offer people the opportunity to see for themselves how we test new and exciting technology and streamline its use to suit our own goal. We discuss our mistakes and our successes. We debate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that come with trying to make a living with “exotic practices”, “exotic plants” and “exotic animals” on a continent where all humans too are in effect an introduced species.

Although ably represented, only few locals took the opportunity to participate in this year's workshop, which therefore saw to no cash-surplus being generated for the Byrne Terry Ellenbrae Fund.

We thank all sponsors, participants and supporters!

In particular: