Kachana Sponsors
“If the Lord scattered us at Babylon to stop us from dominating his creation, perhaps he will let us unite to save what is left.” S.B.
There are any number of ways in which people as individuals, groups or organisations can lend support and assist Kachana Pastoral Company in the rebuilding of our ecological asset base.
Vote for Kachana with your dollars: we invite you to make use of our services *
- Environmental Literacy workshops and courses
- Landscape Management Workshops *
- Landscape Management Advice: “Working with Nature to enhance the triple bottom line.”
We focus on functional aspects of :
- Land-scape Revitalisation
- Eco-system Process Restoration
- Eco-system Process Enhancement
- Fire-ecology Minimisation
Functional science (where cause and effect can be correlated) offers explanations on HOW things happen. At a landscape management level we primarily need to explore WHAT actually happens. In most land-management situations the people on site are best qualified to come up with the optimal solutions.
Our service promotes the need for a growing degree of environmental literacy and the need to apply some form of holistic decision-making process. We offer suggestions and demonstrate to you out in the field principles and guide-lines that apply in our situation. If appropriate we include the viewing of video material.
You will find that the principles will also apply to your situation. However many of the guidelines may need to be modified to suit your unique situation.
Your investment will be justified if you are in a position to re-appraise your operation from a new perspective. However taking on board and committing to unsuitable advice very often proves a costly business, so we recommend you first study the CONCEPTS and MANAGEMENT section of this site to familiarise yourself with the Kachana Pastoral Company approach.
Fees for services as negotiated.
Contributions to assist the cause:
- Tell others about us and make people aware of www.kachana.com
- Forward by e-mail, fax or hard-copy our ‘one page overview’ with your personal recommendation.
- Ask the sort of question that demands long-term accountability from people responsible for the management of tax-payer earnings.
- Purchase a book, video or subscription and send it to a friend or policy maker, or donate it to the local library.
- Purchase a subscription of “IN PRACTICE” and donate it to the local dentist or hospital to be left in the waiting room.
- Make a (general or specific) but remember to ask your tax adviser if you can make it tax deductible… if not find out why and please let us know.
- Donate a bundle of fence posts $ 98.00
Commitments to the cause:
Nominate as an ‘eco volunteer’
(from ‘pay your way and donate your time and expertise’ to ‘ work for your keep’)
Be a ‘Kachana Landscape Activist’ and adopt a hectare for revitalisation.
100 pickets, one role of fencing wire, 200 plastic insulators, 40 porcelain insulators, energiser, battery, solar panel, labour (survey, site-prep, construction)
Educational and marketing component if requested: monitoring and an ‘end of five year’ report with photographs and biological monitoring results if applicable.
- Become a ‘Kachana Entrepreneur’ and adopt an enterprise
- Promote a Student
- Employ a trades-person
- Sponsor a WWOOFer
- Be a “Project Patron”
- Own a Tuli bull and be involved in the breading of the ‘Kachana Kim-Taurs’
- Name a calf $100.00 revenue thus collected goes towards nutrient supplementation for our solar powered range-land revitalisation tool
- Join the “Kachana Club” and Baby-sit the camp (Kachana Club Members only)
- Purchase “Kachana Product”
- “Name a creek” a three year commitment
- Sponsor fire control
- Sponsor the biological monitoring of a Landscape Revitalisation Site using Dr Elaine Ingham’s soil-food-web-analysis (Dr Ingham now has a laboratory in New South Wales, Australia
- Enjoy a “Kachana Holiday”
- Participate in a “Kachana Environmental Literacy Course”
- Sponsor a guest-speaker for a Kachana field-day
Nominate and book in for “Environmental Service”
(Minimum 3 Months; single, group or family)