Quote of the Moment:

“There are only two ways of telling the complete truth – anonymously and posthumously.”

Webdesign by

Millennium Project

Management History

Here you'll find information about the different treatments of each site, when wild fires went through and when SFI samplings took place. Rainfall was recorded during the last 14 years. Data is available on our website ("Inform Yourself" --> "Rain data").


August 20: Wild Fire

Hot uncontrolled human lit wild fire on all sections, swept away vegetation and ground cover; "FIRE"-section least affected

August 15: Monitoring

Soil food web Sampling with Philipp Nauer; measurement of average distance between two plants

May 19: High Animal Impact

70 head of cattle had access to middle "HAI"-section overnight

May 18: High Animal Impact

70 head of cattle had access to lower "HAI"-section overnight


October 23: High Animal Impact

130 head of cattle had access to lower "HAI" section in the afternoon and to middle "HAI"-section overnight

July 26: Monitoring

Soil food web sampling with André Annen; measurement of average distance between two plants


October 13: Monitoring

Soil food web sampling with Ian Salis

July 21: Monitoring

Soil food web sampling with Bob Henggeler

April 08: Fire

Cool controlled burn in the "FIRE"-section

April 02: High Animal Impact

80 head of cattle had access to middle "HAI"-section overnight

April 01: High Animal Impact

80 head of cattle had access to lower "HAI"-section overnight


November 19: High Animal Impact

94 head of cattle had access to lower "HAI"-section in the afternoon and to middle "HAI"-section overnight

October 10: Monitoring

Soil food web sampling with Patrick von Daeniken

September: Wild Fire

An uncontrolled human lit wild fire could be successfully excluded from all three sites

May 17: High Animal Impact

80 head of cattle had access to middle "HAI"-section overnight

May 16: High Animal Impact

80 head of cattle had access to lower "HAI"-section overnight


July 27: High Animal Impact

95 head of cattle had access to "HAI"-section during the day - first high density animal treatment ever

May: Monitoring

Biological monitoring by Dave Harrington


No treatments or fires on all sections


December: Wild Fire

Uncontrolled wild fire caused by lightning strike on all sections


October: Wild Fire

Hot uncontrolled human lit wild fire on all sections

Unknown fire history before 1992