Environmental Management
“How do you tell a dung beetle or an earth worm what to do?” B.M.
In the context of landscapes, “Management“ cannot equal “Control”.
In the context of landscapes, “Management” is about influencing all biological activity in a way that all species (including humans) develop their potential in a manner that is in tune with the greater scheme of things.
Biodiversity includes a diversity of species, a diversity of age and genetics within each group of a species, the way in which groups of species are distributed, the mass, volume or numbers involved, inter-species relations and much, much more...
It seems that Biodiversity is the engine that drives our ecosystem and that the primary fuel it uses is Sunshine: National economies depend on sunshine: timber, meat, milk, cereals, honey, natural medicines, bush tucker or whatever... the job of agriculture is to tap solar energy using green leaves and then package it in the form of a primary product (plant or animal). This process is affectionately known as "sunlight harvesting". It is a complex process to create new wealth, but when we do it right the job is simple
Land management is therefore all about energy-capture and energy-budgeting. It is working with nature towards the return of a healthy, productive “solar economy”.